Where Do You Plan To Place Your Home Security Cameras

November 9th, 2022

If you’ve considered investing in home security cameras in Green Bay, WI, you are certainly not alone. Security cameras for the home have become increasingly popular in the United States in recent years, with homeowners even finding new and unique ways to use their cameras aside from security. While security cameras may be thought of as an investment more popular with older homeowner crowds, new statistics are showing that even new homeowners aged 18 to 29 report investing in home security. Around 1 in every 5 young homeowners have already invested in their home security strategy. 

If recent statistics have inspired you to invest in security cameras for your Green Bay, WI home, your job is only halfway done. You’ll still need to pick out your security cameras and decide where you want those cameras installed. The placement of your security cameras may even be more important than the specific cameras you choose. 

Tips For The Best Camera Placement

Your security professionals in Green Bay, WI can assist you in ensuring you have the best camera placement, but it’s always a good idea to have something of a plan in place. 3 tips for the best camera placement for your area home are: 

  1. Take care of the front door – This may seem like a “no brainer”, but you’d be surprised at how many homeowners skip the front door in favor of “sneakier” places around their property. The belief is that burglars and criminals will attempt to sneak onto or into the property and that they won’t risk being seen by using the front door. The truth of the matter is burglars know that the most inconspicuous place to access a home is through the front door, simply because doing so is deemed so bold. Protecting your front door should be your first step to better home security. 

  1. Your basement – Basement windows and doors are rarely adequately secured, and simply because not many homeowners place much thought into them. Out of sight is out of mind, and for many, the basement isn’t a room they spend a great deal of time in. Placing cameras by your basement entryways ensures this is not an easy access point for criminals. 

  1. Have a friend in high places – When it comes to exactly where you’re planning to install your security cameras, let your cameras be your friends in high places. Hanging your cameras at the highest possible points of a location ensures they see as much as possible and that they’re far more difficult to tamper with. A burglar may be able to dismantle a front door camera unnoticed if it’s right at eye level, but it will be far more difficult to access if it’s installed on the underside of your roof. 

A Home You Have Peace Of Mind In 

When your home is adequately secured, you can feel true peace of mind when you go to bed at night. If you’re interested in having security camera systems installed on your property, contact us today.